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3 Lazy-Girl Tips for a Happier 2023 - BON MAXIE

3 Lazy-Girl Tips for a Happier 2023

We all know new year's resolutions are annoying and too hard to keep. And 'cos we're all about min. effort, max. impact, we've got 3 super-quick, uber-effective things you can do to start 2023 in a more positive headspace. 

1. Remove the ick from your feed 
Do you ever find yourself scrolling through your socials and stumbling across a story or post that just gives you the ick? Unfollow unfollow unfollow! While the thought of that sounds a little brutal and you might think each person will take it personally, but they realistically won't even know. And when we're talking about maintaining good mental health in a toxic content breeding ground, there's no arguing with that. It’s as easy as unfollowing as you scroll. It's amazing what it does to scroll through content that actually uplifts you. And if it’s a suggested post that you’re seeing that's giving you iffy feelings, make sure you click ‘Not Interested’ so the algorithm can adjust the suggested content it shows to something more up your happy-lovin' alley.

1. Only follow people who uplift you

Photo courtesy of @theaesthetestudio on Pinterest.

2. Spend a lazy 5 mins on gratitude
The last few years have been tough and sometimes it’s hard to ‘look on the bright side’ when you’re not feeling your best. Practising daily gratitude is proven to help improve stress, keep you grounded in the present and redirect your focus to positive parts of your day. There are lots of simple ways you can do it in your own formats - write down 3 things that made you smile, take one photo a day of something positive and put it in an album, so you've got a compilation of pics of things that make you happy, or purchase a gratitude journal. Our favourite is the 5 Minute Gratitude Journal - it blew up on TikTok last year and we love that it only takes a few minutes to fill out. Achievable and so so impactful. 

2. Practice daily gratitude

Photo courtesy of @simplysofias on Pinterest.

3. Whack some pics together and boom! Manifestation
Who doesn’t love a vision board filled with all the pretty things? Shuffles by Pinterest is hands down one of the greatest new tools to come out of 2022. It’s a super-easy way for people to make vision boards without having to be a creative or design savvy. All you have to do is download the Shuffles by Pinterest app (it’s only available for iOS at the moment), login using your Pinterest account and start collating pretty images on a screen! The benefits of a vision board are endless - they can help you visualise the life you want, get clear on specific goals, or motivate to become a new version of yourself. Orrr just help you put together some ideas for an outfit for an event.

For more lazy-girl tips and tricks with powerful impact, make sure you’re following the fun on Instagram and TikTok.

Want to top off your fresh start to the new year with some extra handy products that take no extra effort (our specialty!)? Check out our current best-selling solutions here.

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1 comment

Looks amazing- going to try it today. I love easy cooking.

Paula Gittins

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